Mar 2, 2021
founder of Planeteri, ‘blueprint for future' acquired by Welbeck Children's
Cindy Forde
Welbeck Children’s has acquired Bright New World, a non-fiction title from Cindy Forde, founder of the environmental education group Planetari, the organisation dedicated to worldwide environmental education.
Joff Brown, editorial manager acquired world rights in an exclusive submission to Jane Harris from Marianne Gunn O’Connor at the Marianne Gunn O'Connor Literary/Film/TV Agency. Publication is slated for 6th January 2022.
Bright New World is described as "the blueprint for how to fix the future" and will show readers a "lavishly illustrated glimpse into a future not too far from our own time", depicting a world in which today’s children have grown up and tackled the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems.
Readers will enter a world of solar-powered vehicles, regenerated rainforests, skyscraper farms, insect-based snacks, recovering coral reefs and wave-powered electricity. Everything in the book will be based on science and will include many projects which are currently being developed.
Once readers have seen the possible future, they will learn all about the perils facing the earth, as well as the solutions to each problem, with practical steps that they can take to help save the planet and make the dream a reality, says the publisher.
Brown commented: "Cindy’s inspiring book is unlike anything that’s currently on the market — we’re over the moon to be publishing something so bold and beautiful. Amid a mass of dour and doom-laden publications, this stands out as a beacon of hope for the next generation."
Forde said: "Humanity is facing a clear choice — either cling to a broken system that is fuelling our demise or build new models and set course for a brighter future. It’s obvious which path we should choose and which one we should equip our children for. That makes a thrilling purpose for a book, and is also the mission that drives Planetari. My aim is to show children what is within our reach, to give them a sense that this is one of the most exciting times to be alive and they can be part of building a world that works for everyone. This book, I believe, is bringing itself into the world because it’s now imperative to start telling children a different story about how to live here, and in a way that has plenty of room for hope and happiness."