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Jul 23, 2023
‘Am I Irish Yet?’ coming to the White Bear Theatre, Kennington, London from September 26th to September 30th
Kate Kerrigan’s
Written and performed by New York Times bestselling author Kate Kerrigan.
Her debut play, produced by Kevin Toolis

From being the Bombing Irish of Mrs Thatcher's era to a reviled Plastic Paddy back home in Ireland, bestselling author Kate Kerrigan hilariously reveals what it takes to finally fit in small town Ireland in her taboo-breaking one-woman show - Am I Irish Yet?
Am I Irish Yet? is a fabulously funny, bitter sweet journey into the dreams and disasters of every second generation kid who grew up in London calling somewhere else home.
A Circus250 Production in the Daring Dames series – new writing by fierce women.
Praise for Am I Irish Yet?
“Brilliant. So well-crafted, a most accomplished performer. Funny, honest and poignant. The audience loved it.”
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