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Thrity Engineer

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Thrity Engineer

Thrity Engineer is a visionary, author and serial pioneer with no PhD. She searches for and loves the extraordinary, the exquisite and the exceptional.

She studied psychoanalysis for eight years in her twenties and walked away from it. She qualified as India’s first gemmologist in her thirties but discovered her life work only after cataclysmic events in her forties.

She pioneered the use of Biofeedback Imaging in the UK in 1992, Biolumanetics and the Luminator in 95 and the Monocrom  Light/Colour Dome and the Monochord Sound/Music Table in 98. This was the first time these powerful modalities had been brought together on earth , creating new possibilities for healing and the expansion of human consciousness.   She has also presented seminars on the theme of “Stress Management through Self Understanding” for multinational companies in India. She is the founder of 3S (subtle-sacred-scientific),  CETS (Coherence Enhancement Training Systems) and the Supercoherence Program and is the co-creator of the Supercoherence Return to Love Frequencies – (SRTLFs) and the other frequency tools of the Supercoherence system.

Her first book Supercoherence – The 7th Sense  was published by Hay House in 2008. Her second book was SupercoherenceThe Return To Love was published in 2015. She has worked with the extraordinary real life “Star Trek” technology called the Luminator since 1995.

Born and raised in Mumbai, she lives and works in London

Lectures and Conferences:

IONS (new Sciences ) conference Colorado 1997

International Conference  Light 98 at Reading  1998

International Conference Light and Sound 2001 at Cambridge

Syntonics  Annual Conference – Niagara Falls 2004

World Wellness Congress –     Chennai  2012

DGEIM  Drei-Lander- Wasser -Symposium  -   Lindau 2013

Chaos and Coherence/ Ordnung     Vienna  2016

And many smaller conferences in Israel and the UK

Rights Sold:

Supercoherence The 7th Sense

Hay House(UK), Ica Bokforlag(Sweden), Bazar Forlag /(Cappelen Damm AS) (Denmark), Bazar Forlag /(Cappelen Damm AS)(Finland), Bazar Forlag /(Cappelen Damm AS)(Norway),

Supercoherence: The Return To Love:  Ica Bokforlag (Sweden)

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