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Remind me again Why I need a Man

Claudia Carroll

The car, the gorgeous flat and three fabulous friends only go so far in consoling her now that she's in her thirties and still not married.

So when Amelia hears about a course that promises she'll be saying 'I do' before the year is out, she jumps at the chance to enrol.

What Amelia doesn't realise is that a fundamental principle of the course is that you need to revisit all your past relationships to work out where you went wrong. In single-minded pursuit of her ultimate goal Amelia gets in touch with every ex-boyfriend she's ever had - right back to age sixteen - with some surprising results!

Ever since she was a little girl, all Amelia Lockwood has ever wanted is to get married. The Tiffany ring, the Vera Wang dress ... the whole shebang.

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